XtS: Xaria’s Story

*** WARNING ***

If you do not want to read about sexual activities, go back now. Additionally, if you are offended by profanity, go back now.


A millennia ago, I loved the ladies, and was revolted by men and their manhood. Which at the time worked out well because men mostly forgot about women. Women had two primary functions; maintain the household and procreation. Women could pretty much do what they wanted as long as they did not disturb the menfolk.

One day, the most beautiful human male approached me, and tried to court me. This man tried everything within his arsenal to woo me. For three days, I continually rejected his advances. Then the man finally disappeared. A day or two later, the most beautiful woman I ever saw approached me. I could not resist. I went with her. On our third day in our bedchamber, the man that tried to woo me appeared. He threw profanities at both of us. The woman was laughing at him. The man then cursed me, something about if I despise men so much, my life would be dependent upon them. Both the man and woman disappeared, never caught either of their names.

I became hungry. I tried to eat. Food would not slake my hunger. Drink would not slake my thirst. Food and drink had no taste.

A week went by; I was starving. I could not get any sustenance. A month. I was getting weak. Could barely move; waiting for death to take me. A few men, I know not how many exactly, seeing my weakened state, took advantage of me. They pulled me into a dark alley. When they had finished, they left me like a piece of trash, typical men. However, the semen in my mouth had no taste to speak of but started to tingle. The semen in my other orifices began to warm me. Slowly, I began to regain strength. Within a couple hours I felt like my normal self. Another hour later, I felt like a child with so much energy.

Here I thought the most beautiful man was just talking smack like normal men do, but instead it was a genuine curse! My life force now depended on my absorbing semen. The thought disgusted me.

I was able to last a day before the hunger returned. I had to learn the limits, the boundaries of this curse. I never tried to lure a man before, but I needed sustenance. I found a homeless man in some alley. I chatted him up. Seemed too easy. I began to give him oral sex, he did not object. He voluntarily gave me his semen twice. I needed more sustenance. I was somehow able to command his organs to give me more, produce more. I drank from him until he was no more.
I ran, screamed out in horror. I killed a man, for his semen. I was repulsed to no end. As I ran, screamed, my body changed, transformed. Claws? A tail? Wings? My running turn to clomping. Hooves? I could finally feel the horns grow out of my skull. My skin turned black. What the fuck is this?

I was hideous. I cried, I wailed. I pounded my horns against a nearby wall. I stomped my hooves, hooves! My wings seemed to flap chaotically.

I pouted for about an hour, my appearance returned. My skin tan, feet, no wings. Thank the Goddess!
Am I some sort of freaking demon, now?

Turns out, my demon form is my natural form now. I can shapeshift to my human form. However, eventually, I learned if I consumed too much, I would get that over-full feeling like at Thanksgiving, which interfered with my ability to maintain my shapeshift. Additionally, as I get weaker, going without sustenance, it becomes more and more difficult to maintain my human form.

I do not know if I was in demon form or my human form when I was assaulted. That was a month of no sustenance. Now, in less than a week I cannot maintain any shapeshift.

I have learned I can modify my shapeshift somewhat. Hair color, skin color, eye color can all be changed. I can change my general shape. However, I must always be alluring to men. I tried to make myself unappealing to men without success. The constant attraction of men is nauseating.

I have also learned to control how much I take from men. I can encourage their organs to produce a little more, or a lot more. However, I have not killed another man since.

Seems how satiated I get depends on the vitality of the man I consume from. A weak constitution does not fill me as much as a strong constitution.

In the past 1000 years, I have been approached by 4 other succubi and 2 other incubi. According to them, I am some sort of abomination. I was not created the “normal” way. Some of them tried to dispatch me.

Seems that I am immune to most magic below the level of my creator.